ICLOPS Specialized Registry Now Open: Don’t Miss 2-29 Deadline for Active Engagement in 2016 MU Public Health Reporting

furmo-1521391-640x480Attention, Eligible Providers and Hospitals looking for a Specialized Registry to meet public health reporting requirements in Modified Stage 2 of Meaningful Use: ICLOPS is open for business. ICLOPS Specialized Registry services will support both Eligible Providers, regardless of specialty, and Eligible Hospitals, plus all eCQMs.

Since CMS finalized the modifications to the Meaningful Use program in October 2015, providers have been scrambling to find information on public health reporting options. While some providers are already connected to their specialty registries or to state and local immunization registries, many Eligible Providers have been without options for meeting this requirement. There is no up-to-date source of Specialized Registries and their offerings.

To make matters worse, there is a time crunch. Meeting this requirement means being in “active engagement” with a Specialized Registry within the first 60 days of the Measurement Year. That means February 29, 2016, for the 2016 Measurement Year under Meaningful Use.

What is a Specialized Registry?

If you’re not sure what a “Specialized Registry” is, or how it is different from a CDR—or a PQRS Registry, for that matter, you’re not alone. CMS has incorporated the use of an aggregated patient database technology in several of its Value-Based Health Care programs: Registry Reporting for PQRS, the Qualified Clinical Data Registry for measure development and reporting; and the Specialized Registry and Clinical Data Registry for Meaningful Use.

CMS has supported the inclusion of a variety of registries under the Specialized Registry banner. Medicare says, “A variety of registries may be considered specialized registries, which allows providers the flexibility to report using a registry that is most helpful to their patient.” CMS went on to state “we will continue to allow these registries to be considered specialized registries for purposes of reporting the EHR Reporting period in 2015, 2016, and 2017.”

While there isn’t great specificity about what a Specialized Registry is from the rules, it is clear that it must be helpful to patients. This is what the rule describes:

  • The Specialized Registry must collect production data from the providers’ EHR, which can be done in a variety of ways. However, the Specialized Registry is not responsible for reporting providers’ performance on the Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) to Medicare.
  • Reporting to a Specialized Registry will satisfy this MU Public Health Reporting objective.
  • The Specialized Registry appears likely to become a Clinical Data Registry, enabled under a separate provision of the Public Health Reporting for Stage 3 MU starting in 2017 (optional) and required in 2018. CMS specifically describes the benefit of having “outcomes over time” as the benefit of the CDR.
What Makes ICLOPS Specialized Registries Unique

Our mission as a Specialized Registry and Clinical Data Registry is to improve patient outcomes through a Registry-facilitated examination of outcomes, variations in care and patient functionality. ICLOPS is currently offering four different Specialized Registries for provider public health reporting:

  • ICLOPS Registry for All Specialties, available for all Eligible Providers in any specialty and supporting all EP Meaningful Use Measures as well as other quality measures;
  • ICLOPS Registry for Hospitals, available for Eligible Hospitals and supporting all EH Meaningful Use Measures;
  • ICLOPS Registry for Behavioral Health, available for all Eligible Providers and Hospitals, and collecting data specific to mental health conditions;
  • ICLOPS Registry for Rare Disorders, available for all Eligible Providers and Hospitals, and collecting data specific to health conditions categorized as rare or orphan.

This list will expand and become integrated with our Qualified Clinical Data Registry services to create performance improvement that is better aligned with provider missions, and to build a robust foundation for performance improvement and outcomes research.

ICLOPS Specialized Registry Services are unique in the industry:

  • Proven one-step reporting that covers all specialties and eligible providers; no need to conduct multiple public health reporting streams by specialty. While the public health reporting requirements apply to all eligible providers, few Specialized Registries or other public health reporting registries exist, and those that do are new to the field and may not cover every specialty. As one of the first Registries to aggregate data from disparate sources, ICLOPS brings more than a decade of experience to our public health reporting solution. In addition, ICLOPS will provide optional hub services to reporting to other Specialty Association registries.
  • Affordable public health reporting solution. Specialized Reporting to ICLOPS is budget friendly: We offer low rates per provider annually for basic data transmission using ICLOPS specified interfaces, plus an interface fee per source. We will be happy to work with EMRs to create an interface that will apply to any client provider to further lower costs.
  • Secure and easy data transmission. ICLOPS meets the highest security standards on data protection and privacy. Your data is protected with utmost physical security and data transmission policies. We allow clients to have secure online access to their own data, plus aggregated data benchmarks that we create as a responsible Clinical Data Registry.
  • Extensive network of provider relationships built on decades of experience in Clinical Integration, PQRS and commercial Value-Based Health Care. ICLOPS technology and services help providers succeed in Value-Based Health Care programs, both governmental and private. We have been an authorized PQRS Registry and QCDR since Medicare created these entities, and we offer ACO Services, Clinical Integration and Performance Improvement and Technology Services Solutions to providers. Our ongoing relationships with thousands of providers in health care systems, organizations and practices inform our tailored, state-of-the-art technology Solutions.
  • Customized, Premier Specialized Registry Services to suit your needs. While some providers may wish simply to meet public health reporting requirements, others will seize the opportunity to achieve more. Our Premier Services enable organizations and associations to pursue performance improvement and outcomes research, tapping ICLOPS industry experts for clinical and consultative assistance.
  • Seamless integration with EMRs. We will create direct interfaces for data collection with EMRs, whenever that is feasible and agreed to by the provider. Our shared goal is to minimize your work to meet requirements.
  • Available throughout the U.S., for all MU specialties and measures.
  • Broad examination of outcomes and interventions across all specialties, creating a neutral and comprehensive approach to outcomes research and performance improvement.

To learn more about ICLOPS Specialty Registry Solutions, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1-888-4-ICLOPS.

Download your free copy of our new eBook, ICLOPS Value-Based Payment Modifier Primer: How NOT to Forfeit Your Medicare Revenues.

Founded in 2002, ICLOPS has pioneered data registry solutions for improving patient health. Our industry experts provide comprehensive Performance Improvement Technology and ServicesICLOPS Clinical Data Registry and ACO Services Solutions that help you both report and improve your performance. ICLOPS is a CMS Qualified Clinical Data Registry.

Contact ICLOPS for a Discovery Session.

Image Credit: Aroa Carayol