With the advent of APP Reporting, ACOs face a fundamental change in not only how they report quality measures, but how they use data to drive results. That’s true whether APP Reporting involves reporting quality for all patients or for Medicare-only patients via Medicare CQMs.

That’s why we’re developing a series of tips for ACOs about key steps in APP implementation. Beginning with how to organize your effort, we’ll cover all the details of your APP implementation process, sharing the knowledge from our years of experience in data aggregation and CMS Quality Reporting. Each Roji TIPS sheet is a quick read that highlights a particular point in the implementation process or a decision you must make.

Order your free Roji TIPS sheet today. Please complete the form below. A confirmation will be sent to your email address:

    How Your ACO Can Optimize APP Reporting Using Medicare CQMsFive Tips for Lowering Cost of Data Aggregation for APP ReportingThree Tips for Choosing Your APP Reporting Approach5 Tips for a Win-Win Collaboration between ACOs and Specialists

    ACOHealth system, physician, providerProvider associationInsurance carrier or payerVendorOther

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