The ACO performance results for 2014 are in, and they are troubling. While most ACOs were able to fulfill quality reporting requirements, only some reduced costs enough to qualify for shared savings. Many ACOs did cut costs—of the 353 ACOs, there were $411 million in total savings. But for most ACOs, it was not enough. […]
Are Your Specialists and ACO Ready for the Referral Revolution? Part 1
The practice of physician-determined referrals to specialists is deeply embedded in the culture of medicine. But it no longer works under Value-Based Health Care. A revolution in referrals is underway, one that will dramatically change physician alignment and engagement in ACOs and other Pay for Performance models. Outcome measures can distinguish the performance of one specialist […]
Orthopedists’ Survival Kit: How to Succeed with Medicare PQRS and VBPM
Pay for Performance success takes careful thought and management, particularly for specialty practices. Under Medicare’s PQRS and Value-Based Payment Modifier (VBPM), specialties have fewer measures available, which narrows reporting options—making it harder for you to meet PQRS and compare well against your peers. For Orthopedics, this is especially true. Nearly 200 PQRS measures have a […]
How to Get Paid for Your Population Health Program: Part 1
How can you succeed in Pay for Performance if you can’t risk revenues on a program that may not produce results? Especially if your competitors have made the investment and can prove better outcomes, raising the bar for everyone? It’s not enough simply to tighten existing procedures or to focus on maintaining high standards To […]
Does Your EMR Tell Medicare the Right Story About Your Patient Quality?
Reporting physician quality to Medicare through an EMR is an easy and affordable approach—at least on the surface. But be careful when using EHR Direct Reporting for PQRS 2015, so you don’t cost your organization as much as 4 percent in Medicare penalties or create an unappealing profile of your quality in Medicare’s public reporting. […]
GPRO Registration Ends June 30—Don’t Lose Your PQRS Reporting Advantage!
The clock is winding down—have you registered your practice for the Group Practice Reporting Option (GPRO) for PQRS? To report as one collective unit, you must register with Medicare by June 30. If you don’t complete this step, you’ll still have to participate in PQRS, but your group’s providers will need to report on a […]
Provider Network Growth? How to Avoid Unanticipated Medicare VBPM Penalties
Mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and affiliations—this is the new face of health care, and the trend shows no signs of slackening. If your group has grown and changed significantly through consolidation, you’d best take a second look at your 2013 Quality and Resource Use Report (QRUR). Chances are, it no longer applies to your […]
Better Hypertension and Diabetes Outcomes: From Basic Measurement to a Plan for Improvement
Are you caught in a squeeze between avoiding penalties in both PQRS and the Value-Based Payment Modifier (VBPM)? Medicare’s move to Pay for Performance has created a Catch-22 for many groups: you may have enough data to report enough PQRS measures, but if you choose to report measures where your performance is below the CMS […]
Your VBPM Incentive Payment Could Be Higher Than You Expect—If You Act Now
Here’s a lesson in budget neutrality, Medicare style: If you are penalized under PQRS for non-reporting or under the Value-Based Payment Modifier (VBPM) for poor performance, your money will be paid out to providers earning a VBPM incentive. That’s right—to your competition. If you’re on the losing end of this equation, you could lose up […]