Rumors that PQRS and VBPM have died may be wishful thinking, but are far from true. Value-Based Care is here to stay, even as Medicare’s programs evolve. You still have a chance to help shape those initiatives before they become law. So it’s well worth your time now to learn all about Medicare’s newest program, […]
No More Status Quo: How the New CDR Will Change Health Care
As CMS streamlines its Value-Based Reimbursement programs, the pressure is on for providers to participate. A better foundation is needed to support those changes, so providers can actually succeed. And Medicare’s expansion of Clinical Data Registries (CDRs) may just be the answer. CDRs could be the tipping point for transforming health care. Here’s why: With […]
Mastering MSPB: How “Episode” Care Calculations Make or Break Your Revenues
The whole may be greater than the sum of its parts—but how those parts each contribute to the whole is key to a new Medicare calculation of episode costs. If you aren’t paying attention to the total cost of an entire “episode” of care for your patients—including that rendered by others—your future revenues may take a […]
How to Boost Your VBPM with ICD-10
With five weeks until ICD-10 becomes official, take note: Your transition strategy must include PQRS and the Value-Based Payment Modifier (VBPM). Neglecting VBPM in your short-term plan may lead to long-term penalties. That now goes for everybody, whether you helm an Academic Medical Center or run a small practice. October 1, 2015, marks the starting […]
Radiologists’ Tool Kit: How to Succeed in PQRS and VBPM
When it comes to PQRS reporting, it’s not easy being a radiologist. How can you fulfill PQRS reporting requirements and avoid jeopardizing future value-based payments? Many radiologists have found themselves backed into a PQRS corner—not enough measures to report, and those measures that can be reported have some tricky requirements. Similar to anesthesiologists, radiologists practice […]
Medicare’s 2016 Proposed Rule: What Do You Need to Know?
Is PQRS dead? That’s the question we’ve been hearing, in the wake of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), which outlined a new program for merit-based payments. With the release of the 2016 Proposed Rule, the answer is a resounding “No.” The Proposed Rule is exactly that—proposed, rather than final. Nevertheless, […]
Are Your Specialists and ACO Ready for the Referral Revolution? Part 1
The practice of physician-determined referrals to specialists is deeply embedded in the culture of medicine. But it no longer works under Value-Based Health Care. A revolution in referrals is underway, one that will dramatically change physician alignment and engagement in ACOs and other Pay for Performance models. Outcome measures can distinguish the performance of one specialist […]
Will Medicare’s Published Physician Quality Data Push Your Patients Away?
CMS isn’t the only group scrutinizing your quality and cost data any more. As the next step toward value-based health care, Medicare has begun publishing provider performance data for PQRS under “Physician Compare.” Now patients and their families can make their own data-driven choices about health care providers with an online search. The website is a game-changer. […]
Anesthesiologists’ Best Practices: How to Succeed with Medicare PQRS and VBPM
Anesthesiologists across the country are coping with a unique PQRS challenge. Different procedures and settings may mean that some practices do not have the requisite number of measures to meet requirements. Other groups will have enough measures, but the choices may not be obvious. When you have up to 6 percent of your Medicare Part […]
Orthopedists’ Survival Kit: How to Succeed with Medicare PQRS and VBPM
Pay for Performance success takes careful thought and management, particularly for specialty practices. Under Medicare’s PQRS and Value-Based Payment Modifier (VBPM), specialties have fewer measures available, which narrows reporting options—making it harder for you to meet PQRS and compare well against your peers. For Orthopedics, this is especially true. Nearly 200 PQRS measures have a […]