With the advent of Bundled Payments for selected procedures and conditions, providers and institutions must collaborate to meet both cost and quality targets. No longer will each provider bill and receive payment separately for services when these bundles become mandatory—as most experts believe will happen. All providers participating in a set “bundled” price must focus […]
Why Traditional VBHC Trouble Shooting Will Get You in Trouble with Performance Improvement
You’ve heard the phrase. You know it’s a key goal in Value-Based Health Care. But many providers don’t understand the full meaning of performance improvement. All too often, health care systems rely on piecemeal, troubleshooting approaches that emphasize short-term gains over meaningful, improved outcomes. Here’s a common example: Almost every hospital has adjusted its discharge […]
The CDR Advantage: Why Registry Research Minimizes Study Bias for Performance Improvement
The Clinical Data Registry is a powerful research tool for improving patient health. But what makes Registry-based study design better than pre-post study design? The answer has far-reaching implications for how we will use data to determine treatment effectiveness in the future, as well as how we will meet the challenge of improving health outcomes. […]
How to Harness Clinical Data Registry Power to Improve Outcomes
At the center of Medicare’s Value-Based Health Care, the Clinical Data Registry (CDR) is introducing new possibilities for outcomes improvement. Under this month’s final rules, Medicare expanded the role of Specialized Registry and Clinical Data Registry reporting in its future Meaningful Use program. Specifically, CMS initiated provider reporting to a “Specialized Registry” in 2015 as […]
ACOs and the Referral Revolution Part 2: How to Align Objectives and Referral Practices
There’s no getting around it. Disruption in referrals under new Value-Based Health Care programs will upset both primary care and specialty practices under any change scenario. Physicians with historical relationships will undoubtedly resent an edict to redirect referrals, if they don’t understand or believe comparative data on cost and quality. On the other side of […]
Are You Measuring Effectiveness of Your ACO’s Population Health Interventions?
It’s time to reboot your method of deploying population health initiatives, if you really want a return from your ACO efforts. Despite the intense focus on data and analytics in health care, most start-up ACOs adopt identical population health initiatives, such as intensive case management for high cost patients. The choice is not made because […]
Population Health: Fact or Fiction?
For the past couple of years, “population health” has become a popular catchphrase. Everyone is talking about it, adopting it or selling it. But if you ask anyone what it means, you’ll get very different answers. That’s because there seems to be only one point of consensus—we need to focus health care efforts on specific […]
Better Hypertension and Diabetes Outcomes: From Basic Measurement to a Plan for Improvement
Are you caught in a squeeze between avoiding penalties in both PQRS and the Value-Based Payment Modifier (VBPM)? Medicare’s move to Pay for Performance has created a Catch-22 for many groups: you may have enough data to report enough PQRS measures, but if you choose to report measures where your performance is below the CMS […]
Academic Medical Centers at Risk: How to Survive Medicare and Medicaid Value-Based Health Care
Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) provide care to the most complicated patients and have surmounted some of the worst clinical challenges of all time. Yet the biggest issue to threaten survival of AMCs might well be Medicare and Medicaid Value-Based Purchasing. While AMCs incorporate the training of new physicians in both community and highly specialized care, […]
Placebo v Nocebo: How to Test Methods of Physician Engagement in Population Health
The Holy Grail for value-based health care is to improve patient quality and cost outcomes, while stabilizing or reducing annual aggregate payouts for insurance and government benefits. By holding physicians and health systems accountable, the theory goes, providers will engage with patients in a process leading to better status and lower costs. The key word […]