For ACOs and Direct Contracting Medical Groups adopting value-based payment models, behavioral health is often overlooked. But your patients’ unmet behavioral health issues are a big cost driver for emergency care and inpatient admissions, and they compound risk factors in disease. They also influence your patients’ adherence to treatment plans. You may believe this is […]
Three Fixes for ACOs’ Physician Engagement Strategies
ACOs know that reducing costs is the key goal for Value-Based reimbursement. But strategies on how—or even whether—to engage physicians in that goal have not always been successful, to the detriment of all involved. Part of the problem is that provider revenues still stem from Fee-for-Service payments. Physicians are still rewarded based on meeting volume […]
Episodes Are More Than Payment Models: They’re Key to Improving Care
For many health systems and groups, episodes are esoteric. Providers often think of them only in context of risk-based payment models like bundled payments and capitation. Navigating Value-Based Health Care contracts, providers analyze and model performance under Fee-for-Service and episode-based payments to decide their course of action. Or, if already in Value-Based reimbursement, they use […]
How to Start Redressing Racial Bias and Reducing Health Care Inequities
In recent weeks there have been many cries for the health care system to finally address racial inequities. Now is the moment to harness that energy toward a process of substantive change. Value-Based Health Care is not achievable without addressing racial inequities that drive costs and poor outcomes: patient disengagement, higher risk factors, greater admissions, […]
Is Telehealth Bridging or Widening the Health Care Gap? We Need to Find Out.
ROJI Health Intelligence CEO Theresa Hush frames the questions we need to ask about the future of telehealth in this 3:37 minute video. Telehealth has become the go-to solution for health care during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling providers and consumers to remain in contact for routine and non-emergency visits while brick-and-mortar spaces have been closed. […]
A Pandemic Recovery for Health Care Means Addressing Racial Inequities
Health systems, eager to bring patients back, are using new methods to reach out—mass emails to reassure patients of clean and safe facilities, targeted phone calls to reschedule cancelled appointments and procedures, broadcast television announcements and social media ads that strive to convince patients not to defer care any longer. Providers hope they can recover […]
Size is Now a Problem That Large Hospitals and Health Systems Must Solve
For two decades, consolidation in health care has been a strong industry trend. Championed by hospitals and hospital-organized systems, care is now less independent and more centralized, especially in urban settings. Widespread acquisitions of physician practices and towers of specialty services, diagnostics, and treatment seem to have forever changed the health care landscape. But in […]
Restarting “Regular” Health Care Will Be Hard: How Providers Can Prepare Now
As states across the country begin to loosen restrictions for the coronavirus pandemic and return to a modified version of normal life, how will our health care system get back to providing regular care? In particular, how can providers pivot from the scale and aftereffects of COVID-19, and bring their patients back? In hot spot […]
Roji Health Intelligence Launches Population Health Registry for Patients at High Risk for Severe COVID-19
To assist the health care provider community’s heroic efforts to combat COVID-19, Roji Health Intelligence has launched a new Population Health Registry for Patients at High Risk for Severe COVID-19. Our goal is to help providers track, monitor, and communicate with patients whose underlying health conditions will make them more vulnerable to the virus, particularly […]
ACO Path to Viability: Direct Contracting May Be the Opportunity
What if your best route to viability was the high-risk path you feared the most, because that failure might destroy you? That’s the question Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have been asking this week—whether to participate in Medicare’s new Direct Contracting (DC) initiative. With a shift in payments from Fee for Service (paid per-provider service), to […]