There is an understandable fear and a little outrage right now about health care budget cuts. Some proposed cuts will raise the amount of unfunded care for hospitals and physicians if Medicaid coverage is reduced, and impact patients in nursing homes. Other proposals will eliminate offsets for medical debt or physician education through residency programs. […]
5 Tips for a Win-Win Collaboration Between ACOs and Specialists
As Value-Based Care expands, payers are emphasizing cost reduction all the more. Newer CMS payment models like ACO REACH reinforce cost control by capping reimbursement in total global payments to ACOs. In turn, global payments enable ACOs to directly negotiate rates with preferred provider specialists. In addition to focusing on controlling costs delivered through primary […]
New ACO Playbook: Seven Keys to Expanding ACO Savings—and Market Share
At the beginning of this series, we laid out a basic tenet: As shared savings plan ACOs, you need to do as well or better at lowering costs than competing value-based payment models. Otherwise, your resources and support will dwindle in favor of more promising avenues to control Medicare spending, and competition will stifle your […]
New ACO Playbook: 3 Strategies to Tackle Hidden Costs of Specialty Care
Your ACO’s most significant costs may seem obvious. CMS and most ACOs have put an enormous emphasis on reducing utilization of hospital facilities and nursing home care to control costs. But your real key to cost reduction is knowing what drives avoidable admissions and stays in the first place. And with 50-60 percent of costs […]
Video: How to Engage Specialists Through Centers of Excellence
Specialists will engage in cost performance improvement if they believe they can provide better care for their patients and improve their own clinical excellence. Here’s how to achieve that through Episodes of Care, and how ACOs and health systems can help. You’ll find more details in last week’s post, Five Ways to Manage Specialty Costs […]
Five Ways to Manage Specialty Costs Without Bundled Payments
When health plans and Medicare propose controlling the cost of specialty care, expect that bundled payments will be the next suggested solution. With the introduction of every new specialty-focused payment model, an episode-based bundled payment model is involved. But let’s say you’re an ACO with no interest in bundled payments arrangements. You may not even […]
Video: How to Improve Specialty Spending for ACOs
Referral networks drive a huge part of ACO spending. Cut through the data to find how you can reduce costs through actionable information. Learn more about how your ACO should evaluate specialty referrals and costs using seven key analytics for procedural episodes of care. Founded in 2002, Roji Health Intelligence guides health care systems, providers […]
Seven Key Analytics to Direct Your ACO’s Specialty Strategies for Risk
As ACOs become subject to Risk arrangements, especially global capitation, specialty costs should be one of the first areas to examine for long-term savings potential. Optimal use of specialists and engagement with specialty providers will prove essential for cost management. This is new territory for providers who have decentralized most decisions about specialty referrals and […]
Size is Now a Problem That Large Hospitals and Health Systems Must Solve
For two decades, consolidation in health care has been a strong industry trend. Championed by hospitals and hospital-organized systems, care is now less independent and more centralized, especially in urban settings. Widespread acquisitions of physician practices and towers of specialty services, diagnostics, and treatment seem to have forever changed the health care landscape. But in […]
How Physicians Can Navigate to Get Better Value from Specialty Services
In recent articles, we’ve discussed how Value-Based Health Care must help consumers make good decisions. Equally as important, CMS is now emphasizing how physicians should serve as navigators for their patients, providing information and guidance. Let’s take a closer look at how the triad of primary care physician, specialist consultant, and patient can effectively engage […]