Roji Health Intelligence, data best practices, ACOs, health care data aggregation
ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
August 16, 2024

To Unlock ACO Access to Real Savings, Start with Trusted Data

Value-Based Care payment models are based on a clear CMS goal: lower Total Cost of Care and its counterpart, Total Per Capita Cost. But neither TCoC nor TPCC gives you the information you need to target your cost efforts. How to start? Begin by evaluating what initiatives you need to do in the five key areas: Community Referrals Avoid High-Risk Events Cost Variation Chronic Disease Intervention Physician Episode Sharing Your ACO may look at these five areas and think many of them are already underway through population health and other activities. But while population health efforts can help get patients…
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ACOsAlternative Payment Models (APM)Future of Health CareHealth EquityValue-Based Health Care
April 5, 2023

Jumpstart ACO Health Equity with Data-Based Collaborative Initiatives

Ever since the first pandemic data revealed the enormous cost of health inequities, the pressing question of how to rectify unfair access to quality health care has become a major policy discussion. Now the debate is turning to action, as the first Value-based Payment Model to address health equity comes online. ACO REACH is Medicare's response to blending several key values in its most advanced payment model to date. In addition to traditional ACO quality and cost values, ACO REACH also includes population-based payments (including global payments), rather than Fee-for-Service, and promotes health equity as a central goal. If your…
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Roji Health Intelligence ACO Data APP Reporting
ACOsAPP ReportingValue-Based Health Care
February 2, 2023

Three Lies and a Truth About ACO Data for APP Reporting

If you're an ACO worried about APP Reporting, we get it. Your concerns about the feasibility and costs of aggregating data from multiple systems are completely valid. But don't let data complexity hoodwink you into a simplistic solution that will cost you more than the data is worth. Your solution to data aggregation needs to focus on "value," which means that your data aggregation should also garner the most return for your investment. If you are a one-EHR type of ACO, your data aggregation is relatively straightforward, and the cost will be reasonable. But you’re facing very different challenges if…
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ACOsCMS RulesFuture of Health CareMIPS Value Pathways
November 7, 2022

2023 PFS Final Rule: 8 Key Strategies that Boost New ACOs and Increase Health Care Access

It’s here. The 2023 CMS Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule has been released, and in a mere 3,304 pages, CMS has largely finalized its proposals from over the summer. To save you from pouring through all the minutiae, here’s what you need to know. Overall, in this Final Rule, CMS has codified principles to fulfill the goals outlined in the Innovation Center’s Strategic Refresh of October 2021. Most notably, CMS has committed to having all Traditional Medicare beneficiaries in an accountable care program by 2030, and to prioritize health equity. To make this happen, CMS needs to shake up the…
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Alternative Payment Models (APM)APM Performance PathwayEpisodes of CareValue-Based Health Care
October 31, 2022

Launch Time! Five Intervention Strategies to Fuel Your APM Liftoff

If you've followed the Smart Guide articles so far, your APM is ready for take-off. You’ve developed a data-sufficient technology infrastructure with both provider and claims data, carefully constructed your clinical network and engaged your clinicians, and implemented strategies for payers and consumers. Your APM may be operating already, with data ready to use. Now you are at the crossroads, and your choice will determine whether your APM will really transform outcomes for your patients and achieve maximum Value, or whether your APM will be average. That choice pivots on interventions. Only through specific interventions with clinicians and patients can…
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ACOsConsumers & PatientsFuture of Health CareMedical Decision-MakingValue-Based Health Care
February 9, 2022

Seven Key Strategies for Health Systems and ACOs to Attract and Engage Consumers

Despite incredible work by health care workers during the pandemic, consumer and patient trust and belief in the health care system is dangerously low. Why is this a big problem now? Because as pressure to implement Value-Based Care initiatives is intensifying and creating more financial pressure on your already-slim margins, your health system or ACO must depend on patient-consumers to shore up your enterprise and revenues. Without building better consumer relationships, healthier consumers will seek alternatives and leave you with less revenues and sicker patients. In our previous post we delved into the reasons behind that breakdown in trust. Now…
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Consumers & PatientsFuture of Health CareValue-Based Health Care
January 24, 2022

Will Consumers Derail Your Value-Based Care Success?

Your health care organization may be on the tightrope of still coping with COVID-related illness and delivering essential patient care, amidst staffing and supply shortages. But in 2022, life is not poised to give health care a breather. Likewise, there is no slow-down to the expansion of Value-Based Care and payment models or development of further stages in 2022. This year, providers in traditional Medicare will rack up stiffer penalties if costs are higher than CMS algorithms calculate. More ACO providers will progress along the path to Risk, and more will participate in alternative payment models (APMs). This will be…
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ACOsEpisodes of CareValue-Based Health CareVideo
September 1, 2020

Video: The Right Data for Value-Based Success

Claims data isn't all you need to succeed under capitation. Here's why provider EHR clinical data should be added to identify variation in care and engage providers. Founded in 2002, Roji Health Intelligence guides health care systems, providers and patients on the path to better health through Solutions that help providers improve their value and succeed in Risk.
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ACOsEpisodes of CareRiskValue-Based Health Care
August 26, 2020

Straight Talk for Providers Adopting Capitation: Don’t Fly Blind Without the Right Data

Value-Based Reimbursement—once focused on incentives and shared savings—now more often means capitation. Whether adopting Medicare Alternative Payment Models (APMs) or contracting with health plans, physician groups and health systems have signaled greater willingness to adopt these new Risk payment models with their guaranteed payments for attributed patients. But here's the problem: If you don't have good data on your costs, you are flying blind. Let’s look at the myths and realities of what you really need both to measure your success under global capitation and to ensure that your Risk program is on track to be successful. Do You Need…
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ACOsEpisodes of CareValue-Based Health Care
August 12, 2020

How ACOs Can Control Costs with Physician Help, in 3 Steps. Really.

Health care has been drained emotionally and financially by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, in a surprising twist, that trauma has accelerated providers' willingness to adopt financial Risk. You may be one of many providers who have suddenly realized the value of predictable revenues like capitation. Receiving continual payments for attributed patients is appealing, especially when deferral of routine care has led many practices to the brink of failure. That’s why many providers are specifically considering capitation. For Groups with previous experience in managing risk pools, it's an easier decision. But if you represent an ACO that resisted CMS Rules to…
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