Roji Health Intelligence, data best practices, ACOs, health care data aggregation
ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
August 16, 2024

To Unlock ACO Access to Real Savings, Start with Trusted Data

Value-Based Care payment models are based on a clear CMS goal: lower Total Cost of Care and its counterpart, Total Per Capita Cost. But neither TCoC nor TPCC gives you the information you need to target your cost efforts. How to start? Begin by evaluating what initiatives you need to do in the five key areas: Community Referrals Avoid High-Risk Events Cost Variation Chronic Disease Intervention Physician Episode Sharing Your ACO may look at these five areas and think many of them are already underway through population health and other activities. But while population health efforts can help get patients…
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ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
July 31, 2024

5 Ways Your ACO Should Leverage Data for Cost Control

In creating your strategies for cost control, your ACO must consider how to reduce Total Per Capita Cost (TPCC) while ensuring the financial survival of your ACO and participating providers. This balancing act is the dilemma facing all providers adopting Value-Based Care: how to achieve more savings while replacing revenue lost from services. Here’s how data can guide your efforts to sustain your ACO while stewarding high quality and affordable care: Total Cost of Care Is a False Starting Point If you are looking at Total Cost of Care (TCOC) or TPCC as your primary metric for cost control, you’re…
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ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationData Best PracticesFuture of Health CareValue-Based Health Care
June 27, 2024

Strategies for Right Now to Control Patient Care Costs

Policymaker confidence in Value-Based Care and the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model has, so far, prevailed despite only small overall savings. There is still enduring belief that ACOs can rationalize health care and produce affordability by transformative strategies. But here’s where wishes and reality conflict: ACOs have, until now, lacked the data and tools to transform health care. The ACO savings results support the promise but not the delivery of affordable health care. The fact is that ACOs must deliver on the affordability of the promise, or as the shift to risk payment models continues, there will be financial consequences…
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Roji Health Intelligence Terry Hush ACOs Need a Strategic Map for Cost Control
ACOsData AggregationMedicareValue-Based Health Care
June 5, 2024

ACOs Need a Strategic Map for Cost Control

For ACOs to remain relevant and viable under risk payment models, they must step up now to generate more cost savings for Medicare patient care. Medicare’s budget cuts are once again under consideration as political pressure mounts to lower governmental spending. CMS is expanding risk through Medicare value-based payment models, such as the new ACO PC Flex model, which is designed to create per-patient reimbursement for small ACOs in trade for higher reimbursements and funding for infrastructure. Most newer CMS payment models are now incorporating per-patient payments designed to lower the total cost of care. As the provider-driven vanguard in…
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Roji’s customized APP Reporting Plan enables your ACO to meet highest quality Medicare APP reporting standards through our qualified registry, to meet Value-Based Care, while dramatically reducing reporting costs and creating actionable data.
ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationValue-Based Health Care
January 11, 2024

Customized Roji APP Reporting Plan Cuts ACO Costs and Burden, Boosts ACO Capabilities

Start your APP Reporting of Medicare CQMs and save with Roji Health Intelligence’s customized APP Reporting Plan for ACOs. Our new service enables your ACO to meet the highest quality reporting standards through our qualified registry, while dramatically reducing reporting costs and creating actionable data for use in population health, equity, and cost performance. What’s at Stake for Large ACOs? The finalized Medicare PFS Rule released in November 2023 toppled a big barrier for 2024 ACO quality reporting. CMS provided an option to allow ACOs to report measures for Medicare patients only—and of most importance, created the avenue to identify…
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The 2024 CMS PFS Final Rule: Post-PHE, Value-Based Care Returns to the Forefront, Roji Health Intelligence, Dave Halpert
ACOsCMS RulesData AggregationMIPS Value PathwaysValue-Based Health Care
November 9, 2023

The 2024 CMS PFS Final Rule: Post-PHE, Value-Based Care Returns to the Forefront

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule—all 2,709 pages worth—was released on November 3, and the significance of the “Post-COVID” rule cannot be understated. With the Public Health Emergency expiring earlier this year, these finalized policies are intended to get the proverbial train back on its tracks, following the massive derailment in March 2020. Although many policies were finalized as proposed, there are plenty of exceptions and caveats, and providers and practices need to be keenly aware of the details. CMS is using this rule to advance its value-based care goals through data aggregation and attention to health equity. Those…
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Roji Health Intelligence Three Tips APP Reporting Approach ACOs Value-Based Care
ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationValue-Based Health Care
August 11, 2023

Three Tips for Choosing Your APP Reporting Approach

If CMS’s new proposed option for APP Reporting becomes part of the Final Rule, ACOs will have the ability to limit quality reporting to Medicare patients only. Your ACO must now determine whether reporting Medicare-only patients saves work and money and best demonstrates your quality. Use these Roji TIPS to decide what approach will work for you. Considerations for Choosing Medicare CQMs versus All-Patient Reporting ACOs have resisted APP Reporting to avoid data aggregation from different physician EHRs. ACOs also want to limit their work to the core of Medicare patients included in the ACO. The following considerations are key…
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