Roji Health Intelligence, data best practices, ACOs, health care data aggregation
ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
August 16, 2024

To Unlock ACO Access to Real Savings, Start with Trusted Data

Value-Based Care payment models are based on a clear CMS goal: lower Total Cost of Care and its counterpart, Total Per Capita Cost. But neither TCoC nor TPCC gives you the information you need to target your cost efforts. How to start? Begin by evaluating what initiatives you need to do in the five key areas: Community Referrals Avoid High-Risk Events Cost Variation Chronic Disease Intervention Physician Episode Sharing Your ACO may look at these five areas and think many of them are already underway through population health and other activities. But while population health efforts can help get patients…
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ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
July 31, 2024

5 Ways Your ACO Should Leverage Data for Cost Control

In creating your strategies for cost control, your ACO must consider how to reduce Total Per Capita Cost (TPCC) while ensuring the financial survival of your ACO and participating providers. This balancing act is the dilemma facing all providers adopting Value-Based Care: how to achieve more savings while replacing revenue lost from services. Here’s how data can guide your efforts to sustain your ACO while stewarding high quality and affordable care: Total Cost of Care Is a False Starting Point If you are looking at Total Cost of Care (TCOC) or TPCC as your primary metric for cost control, you’re…
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ACOsAPP ReportingData AggregationData Best PracticesFuture of Health CareValue-Based Health Care
June 27, 2024

Strategies for Right Now to Control Patient Care Costs

Policymaker confidence in Value-Based Care and the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model has, so far, prevailed despite only small overall savings. There is still enduring belief that ACOs can rationalize health care and produce affordability by transformative strategies. But here’s where wishes and reality conflict: ACOs have, until now, lacked the data and tools to transform health care. The ACO savings results support the promise but not the delivery of affordable health care. The fact is that ACOs must deliver on the affordability of the promise, or as the shift to risk payment models continues, there will be financial consequences…
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APP Reporting, APP Measures, health care cost savings
ACOsAPP ReportingData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
March 4, 2024

3 Ways Your ACO Can Convert APP Reporting Data into Higher Savings

Controlling costs is a key Value-Based Care goal, a fact well-known to ACOs that share savings with CMS. Even as individual ACOs have generated tens of millions of dollars in savings, however, MSSP ACOs as a whole have only been able to reduce their Total Cost of Care (TCOC) by a fraction. That is a program vulnerability and one reason why value-based payments are increasingly incorporating population-based payment. Plainly stated, claims data (especially 2-5 months old) isn’t a great tool for identifying patient risks, Medicare HCCs notwithstanding. The timeline for cost prevention is before events occur, not when you’re looking…
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Roji Health Intelligence 2024 Health Care Trends Theresa Hush
Artificial IntelligenceConsumers & PatientsCorporate Health CareData Best PracticesFuture of Health CareValue-Based Health Care
January 25, 2024

These Five Trends Are Steering Your Future Path to Value-Based Care

Buckle your seat belt. Health care is changing at warp speed. The Value-Based Care movement and leaps in technology and Artificial Intelligence are rapidly generating advances that will transform the health care environment. These factors will redefine health care providers and services, and how consumers access them. How you respond strategically will determine your survival as a health system, ACO, and health care provider. All of this rests on one essential fact: Value-Based Care in 2024 has graduated from a voluntary movement into certainty. There is arguably no one in health care who believes that there is an “out.” While…
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Roji TIPS APP Reporting data aggregation ACOs
ACOsAPP ReportingData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
July 27, 2023

New for ACOs: Roji TIPS for Implementing APP Reporting

With the advent of APP Reporting, ACOs face a fundamental change in not only how they report quality measures, but also how they use data to drive results. That's true whether APP Reporting involves reporting quality for all patients or for Medicare-only patients via Medicare CQMs. Data is an asset that ACOs have never had. But data has the potential to influence all ACO functions and its success. Rather than depending on past admissions and ER utilization to retrospectively contact patients, ACOs that initially aggregate data will be able to use it to proactively identify patients who need more specific…
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APM Performance PathwayAPP ReportingCMS RulesData Best PracticesMIPS Value PathwaysValue-Based Health Care
July 19, 2023

The 2024 CMS PFS Proposed Rule: 7 Attempts to Balance Participation Goals with Value

Reading between the many lines in the 1,920-page 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Proposed Rule, one thing is clear: CMS is still struggling to move providers into Advanced Alternate Payment Models (APMs) and keep existing ACOs moving forward on the path to value-based payments. The APP Reporting tug-of-war between CMS and ACOs results in a slight concession for providers worried about difficulty and cost of all-patient APP Reporting. We’ve seen this before, of course. Remember the delay in sunsetting the Web Interface for ACOs in the 2022 Rule and the retreat from mandatory transition to risk in the 2023…
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ACOsAPP ReportingData Best PracticesValue-Based Health Care
June 16, 2023

Don’t Fall for Magical Thinking in APP Reporting

Since the adoption of the 2023 Final Rule requiring ACOs to adopt Alternate Payment Model Performance Pathway (APP) quality reporting by performance year 2025, many ACOs have been scrambling to understand how to make the leap. There’s a huge difference between the old method of quality reporting using the CMS Interface to report on a 248-patient sample and the new requirement for APP reporting on all practice patients, regardless of payer type. The sheer size of reporting volume and mechanics means that your ACO will need to aggregate practice EHR data for the first time, even with fewer measures under…
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Roji Health Intelligence 3 Data-driven Approaches to Engage Specialists in ACOs Theresa Hush
ACOsData Best PracticesEpisodes of CareValue-Based Health Care
May 4, 2023

Three Data-Driven Approaches to Engage Specialists in ACOs

All ACOs, regardless of payment model, are built on a vision of primary care services to patients. Medicare attributes patients to your ACO based on the plurality of primary care services. CMS attributes a patient to a participating specialist only if the patient has not seen a primary care physician in the ACO or at other providers, and the specialist is providing “primary care” services to the patient. But the vision of the primary care ACO rarely holds up to reality—for either care delivery or economics. The shortage of primary care physicians, complicated by time constraints, often dictates that patients…
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ACOsData Best PracticesRiskValue-Based Health Care
March 30, 2023

Promote ACO Success Under Value-Based Payment with These 5 Data Sources

ACOs have used "old school" data sources for many years to focus coordination of care activities. Perhaps your ACO has done the same, using reports such as admissions and ER discharges, post-acute admissions, visit history and missing labs to target patients for outreach. Similarly, your ACO might use HCCs to identify patients with higher risk factors for population health. Basic, easily found data like these sources provided a means for ACOs to launch valuable efforts in population health, when comprehensive claims and EHR data were not easily available. But as the pendulum swings toward financial Risk, your ACO needs to…
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