Roji Health Intelligence 2024 Health Care Trends Theresa Hush
Artificial IntelligenceConsumers & PatientsCorporate Health CareData Best PracticesFuture of Health CareValue-Based Health Care
January 25, 2024

These Five Trends Are Steering Your Future Path to Value-Based Care

Buckle your seat belt. Health care is changing at warp speed. The Value-Based Care movement and leaps in technology and Artificial Intelligence are rapidly generating advances that will transform the health care environment. These factors will redefine health care providers and services, and how consumers access them. How you respond strategically will determine your survival as a health system, ACO, and health care provider. All of this rests on one essential fact: Value-Based Care in 2024 has graduated from a voluntary movement into certainty. There is arguably no one in health care who believes that there is an “out.” While…
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ACOsArtificial IntelligenceFuture of Health CareValue-Based Health Care
May 18, 2023

How AI May Help – and Hurt – Your ACO

Artificial Intelligence (AI) advances are big news, but the daily onslaught of AI applications in health care is overwhelming. There’s no question that health care is fertile ground for AI. Health care is expensive, highly technical, complicated, and equally frustrating for patients and providers alike. It's also rich in data—a mostly untapped resource for both clinical and performance improvement. These factors make health care a perfect environment for AI, which can lead to potentially better and faster treatment for patients. And, there's lots of money in the system. Health care is also struggling with a worsening physician and staffing shortage.…
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Artificial IntelligenceFuture of Health CareResearch
February 12, 2020

Could AI Push Sales of Personal Health Data? How to Protect Consumers While Advancing Science

We are just beginning to see the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medicine and management of conditions. AI is being used to enhance and speed diagnostic capabilities in conjunction with wearable devices as well as to identify health care cost issues and high risk patients. Companies, health care providers, and researchers hoping to move forward with better medical technology—and tools to make health care more affordable and accessible—are eager to use AI-powered data in applications. They are largely invested in the quest to use AI in health care for the good of consumers and their patients. But data is…
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Artificial IntelligenceFuture of Health CarePopulation HealthValue-Based Health Care
February 5, 2020

How AI Can Engage Consumers to Reduce Disease Risk: The Case of Atrial Fibrillation

In our last article, we assessed how AI could be used to achieve clinical success for individual conditions, and to apply the technology to broad cost reduction efforts and population health interventions. But here's the real test: Can we effectively apply AI technology to help patients better engage in lifestyle risk reduction—particularly for specific conditions at higher risk? To examine the feasibility and issues, let’s take a closer look at Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), an increasingly common and expensive condition. In AFib, the upper part of the heart (the atrium) has ineffectual contraction, causing sludging of the blood and lessened cardiac…
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Artificial IntelligenceFuture of Health CareRiskValue-Based Health Care
January 29, 2020

Can Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Reduce Health Care Costs?

All the experts’ 2020 health care technology predictions have one trend in common—more Artificial Intelligence. AI and its subset Machine Learning are tagged as the winning ticket to advances not only in clinical medicine and research, but also in administration and management. The hype promotes so many potential applications for AI that it begs for an answer to one of its key claims: Can AI reduce health care costs? I'm referring particularly to Artificial Intelligence that is beyond clinical medicine and new medical technology. AI focused on clinical medicine, from genomics to the latest radiology and cardiology diagnostic capabilities, uses…
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