Roji Episodes Technology
Take advantage of the power of Roji’s data aggregation and analytics through Roji Episodes. Roji Health Intelligence has created specialized, deep-dive analyses of procedures and conditions of importance to patient outcomes and costs. Patient episodes are inclusive of all clinical services delivered to a unique patient within a particular time-frame.
Procedural episodes include services that occur pre-procedure and during recovery so that imaging and other diagnostic tests are included, along with events or complications that occur after the procedure. Condition episodes have a longer view to facilitate a review of long-term intermediate outcomes of the patient.
Roji Episodes technology begins with analytics delivered through Tableau Analytics, providing a deep dive into cost variation, outcomes, and patient histories. For condition episodes, Roji incorporates review of medications, referrals, and serious clinical events for a subset of patients with “persistent poor control,” demonstrating the patients at highest risk of events such as emergency room use and hospitalization.
Results for patients in condition episodes are exported into Roji Populations for action. Roji Populations contains criteria-based registries for Roji Population Health or for clinician sharing.
Roji Episodes are the nexus for examining patient outcomes improvement, testing interventions, and tracking individual clinicians as they adopt data-driven tools.