Plot Your Course

Value-Based Health Care is in full implementation mode across the spectrum of health care. But determining the best participation option for your organization depends on your goals.

You may be in a specialty care practice or organization that currently has no model for Risk—and may never have one. Or, you might be serving patient populations with much higher needs, for which existing Alternative Payment Models are not appropriate. But Value-Based Health Care provides no exit for providers remaining in fee-for-service reimbursement.

Roji Health Intelligence supports all Alternative Payment Models, from ACO MSSPs to ACO REACH and Specialty Care Models, with Roji Technology and data-driven tools to guide the way to savings, better outcomes, and health equity.

We also serve groups and provider organizations which forge their paths under traditional health care, through quality reporting, cost performance, and improvement programs. No matter what your reimbursement type, the principles of Value-Based Health Care are universal.

If you are not yet ready to participate directly in risk-bearing APMs, your Value-Based Health Care participation options may blend traditional Medicare Fee-for-Service payments with Medicare Merit Incentive Payment System (MIPS) quality reporting, plus commercial health plan contracts that may include financial incentives or risk payments. Roji Health Intelligence is a qualified Registry for reporting quality measure results to Medicare for eligible providers and ACOs.

Whether your organization is ready for Risk or your focus is on achieving Value within the traditional payment system, Roji Health Intelligence can help you design your strategy for Value-Based Health Care:

Take the first step to build your path to success.

Contact Roji Health Intelligence