There is an understandable fear and a little outrage right now about health care budget cuts. Some proposed cuts will raise the amount of unfunded care for hospitals and physicians if Medicaid coverage is reduced, and impact patients in nursing homes. Other proposals will eliminate offsets for medical debt or physician education through residency […]
Curate Your Data to Tackle Cost of Care: Master These Basics
The staggering reality that health care could soon account for one fifth of all domestic spending has put a bull’s eye on health care cost control. Is your ACO, health system, or physician organization ready to manage the coming congressional budget cuts? The only effective way to tackle Total Costs of Patient Care (TCoC) […]
Value-Based Care 2025: Providers Must Win the War on Costs
Health systems and ACOs: Prepare yourself for the return to cost containment as the central objective of Value-Based Care in 2025. While cost measures have always been part of CMS Value-Based Care quality programs, their impact was small relative to the total MIPS score for physician groups. Likewise, ACO savings look big in dollars […]
The 2025 CMS PFS Final Rule: The Five-Pronged Strategy Towards Comprehensive Accountable Care
The 2025 CMS PFS Rule landed with a bang, and it’s not just the weight of the 3,088 pages. We’re one year closer to 2030, the year that CMS intends to have all Traditional Medicare patients in a relationship with a clinician who is accountable for total cost of care. The push to the […]
Your ACO May Already Be Late for APP Reporting. Here’s How to Catch Up!
With one year remaining before mandatory APP Reporting in 2026, the idea that you’re already late may sound exaggerated. But consider the significance of what you’re undertaking: This is your first effort to report quality on all your beneficiaries, not just a tiny sliver of patients. It’s a huge leap that requires a lot […]
To Unlock ACO Access to Real Savings, Start with Trusted Data
Value-Based Care payment models are based on a clear CMS goal: lower Total Cost of Care and its counterpart, Total Per Capita Cost. But neither TCoC nor TPCC gives you the information you need to target your cost efforts. How to start? Begin by evaluating what initiatives you need to do in the five […]
5 Ways Your ACO Should Leverage Data for Cost Control
In creating your strategies for cost control, your ACO must consider how to reduce Total Per Capita Cost (TPCC) while ensuring the financial survival of your ACO and participating providers. This balancing act is the dilemma facing all providers adopting Value-Based Care: how to achieve more savings while replacing revenue lost from services. Here’s […]
CMS Presses for Accountable Care, Better Quality Measurement for Physicians and ACOs in New Proposed Rule
July brings us baseball, fireworks, and CMS’s Proposed Rules. In 2,248 pages of proposals, CMS has outlined its plans for MIPS, ACOs, and other Advanced Alternate Payment Models, and how they will transition from fee-for-service into a value-based care arrangement through the Quality Payment Program (QPP). We already know from the 2024 Final Rule […]
Strategies for Right Now to Control Patient Care Costs
Policymaker confidence in Value-Based Care and the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model has, so far, prevailed despite only small overall savings. There is still enduring belief that ACOs can rationalize health care and produce affordability by transformative strategies. But here’s where wishes and reality conflict: ACOs have, until now, lacked the data and […]
ACOs Need a Strategic Map for Cost Control
For ACOs to remain relevant and viable under risk payment models, they must step up now to generate more cost savings for Medicare patient care. Medicare’s budget cuts are once again under consideration as political pressure mounts to lower governmental spending. CMS is expanding risk through Medicare value-based payment models, such as the […]