Today, as we confront a viral threat that is challenging our health system, its capacity, and how care is financed, it seems appropriate to review some fundamentals. Health care reform has been speeding down a particular track, changing how health care is covered, paid, delivered, and organized. These reforms may seem to be about health […]
ACO Path to Viability: Direct Contracting May Be the Opportunity
What if your best route to viability was the high-risk path you feared the most, because that failure might destroy you? That’s the question Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have been asking this week—whether to participate in Medicare’s new Direct Contracting (DC) initiative. With a shift in payments from Fee for Service (paid per-provider service), to […]
Can Hospitals Still Lead Health Care Under Risk?
As the millennium’s third decade begins, Risk has taken hold as THE strategy for tackling health care costs. Virtually overnight (in health care years) the industry has moved—albeit not uniformly—to accept Risk. This transition is already beginning to impact hospitals and hospital-based systems, and raises serious questions about the viability of their role as the […]
Can ACOs Survive the Complicated New Landscape in Medicare Risk?
What a difference a year makes. In Spring 2018, many Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) pondered a walkout over Medicare plans that included downside risk in ACO financials. Nonetheless, CMS finalized its plans to make provider risk a reality for all ACOs in its Pathways to Success overhaul of the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). ACOs’ […]
Follow the Pathway to PCP Success In Medicare Direct Contracting
Primary care physicians were sitting on the sidelines as Medicare developed financial risk models in various generations of ACOs. At best, they could only hope to participate in Medicare Advantage and/or join a larger ACO. But potential for financial gain was elusive when the physicians’ success depended on the actions of others to achieve savings. […]
How Will New Primary Care Models Affect Providers in VBHC?
Embraced by some provider groups and disparaged by others, CMS’s five new payment models for practices focused on primary care include much to consider. All reflect a key departure of Medicare’s Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) efforts to date: they are direct efforts by Medicare to transition physician practice revenues to risk without the necessity of […]
Why ACOs Must Build Trust with Providers and Patients to Meet Goals
As ACOs develop approaches to Value-Based Health Care, they are struggling with a key issue: lack of trust. How can providers commit to collective cost reductions that could have potentially negative revenue consequences for themselves individually or on their practices? If they don’t believe that the other players or their ACO are operating in the […]
Five Strategies for Specialists: How to Safely Navigate ACO Arrangements
Amidst the furor over health care access and affordability, most consumers believe that the exceptional quality of America’s health care is due to specialty medicine. But Value-Based Health Care may well dramatically change specialty practice by putting specialists under financial risk arrangements. That’s because the most prestigious and flourishing providers in health care are also […]
ACOs Under Risk: Select Specialists Based on Collaborative Audit Process
ACOs have tiptoed into developing a physician network based on value. Building a full lineup of primary and specialty physicians to serve their patient population presents a daunting challenge. Even more relevant, until downside financial risk arrangements become mandatory, ACOs have been able to keep their physician networks inclusive; managing cost of care has been […]
The ACO Challenge: Your Essential Reading List to Prepare for Risk
The concept behind Accountable Care Organizations remains reasonable: Groups of health care providers take responsibility for total cost and quality of care for the patients and receive, in return, a portion of any savings they achieve. But as CMS Administrator Seema Verma made clear in announcing the Proposed ACO Final Rule last month, “Medicare cannot […]