Can data lie? In a word, yes. The answer also depends on whom you ask. That goes for all forms of data analysis, including how we evaluate health care. This presents a tough dilemma for providers, patients and other stakeholders at a time when the industry and government are heavily invested in using data to […]
If Your Solution to PQRS Reporting Is an ACO, Think Again
Problems with PQRS reporting this year? As a Registry that works with groups ranging from Academic Medical Centers to solo practitioners, we’ve seen the whole gamut of issues. While there are no quick and easy solutions (sorry), the biggest myth we’re hearing this year is that you can solve all your PQRS problems by forming […]
Public Health Reporting Under Meaningful Use: Delayed—or Dead?
Of all the requirements in the EHR Incentive Program, the Modified Stage 2 provisions for public health reporting were among the most controversial when finalized—and remain the most muddled. Amended by a series of CMS FAQs since Final Rules, the 2016 requirements have been significantly eased. Providers now question whether Specialized Registry reporting will become […]
Ready for Risk? How to Foster Physician Alignment with Your Health System’s APMs
We’ve seen unprecedented consolidation among hospitals, hospital systems and physician groups in recent years, sparked by the drive for greater market share. As systems organize competitively to participate in risk models such as ACOs and bundled payments, however, the dramatic surge in hospital employment of physicians hasn’t helped ACO success. In fact, most Medicare ACOs […]
Still Not Sure of PQRS-VBPM? You Just Gave Your Competitor a Huge Bonus
If you still need a good reason to meet all PQRS requirements and improve your quality tiering under the Value-Based Payment Modifier (VBPM or Value Modifier), listen up: Failure to do so means your penalty will end up in your competitor’s pocket. Not only that—the 2016 Value Modifier Adjustment Factor (AF) for incentive payments has […]
APMs Are Here and MIPS Is Coming Sooner Than You Think: How to Plan for the Unknown
How do you prepare for a program with yet-to-be-defined rules that will involve larger potential penalties (or incentives)—but requires long term planning? It’s a real quandary, but the time is now to begin thinking strategically about the upcoming Merit-Based Incentive Payment System, or MIPS. MIPS Fundamentals MIPS was created from the Medicare Access and CHIP […]
ICLOPS Specialized Registry Now Open: Don’t Miss 2-29 Deadline for Active Engagement in 2016 MU Public Health Reporting
Attention, Eligible Providers and Hospitals looking for a Specialized Registry to meet public health reporting requirements in Modified Stage 2 of Meaningful Use: ICLOPS is open for business. ICLOPS Specialized Registry services will support both Eligible Providers, regardless of specialty, and Eligible Hospitals, plus all eCQMs. Since CMS finalized the modifications to the Meaningful Use program […]
Plenty of Data, Not Enough Answers: What We Need to Improve Health Care Performance
If you read the industry hype, you might believe that we’ve left the data wasteland for the data land of plenty. Some health care technology and analytics companies allege that, with all this enhanced data capability, you can now discover everything you need to know about your operations and patients that will lead you to […]
All Together, Now: Why Specialists Need the CDR Edge for Bundled Payments
With the advent of Bundled Payments for selected procedures and conditions, providers and institutions must collaborate to meet both cost and quality targets. No longer will each provider bill and receive payment separately for services when these bundles become mandatory—as most experts believe will happen. All providers participating in a set “bundled” price must focus […]
Why Traditional VBHC Trouble Shooting Will Get You in Trouble with Performance Improvement
You’ve heard the phrase. You know it’s a key goal in Value-Based Health Care. But many providers don’t understand the full meaning of performance improvement. All too often, health care systems rely on piecemeal, troubleshooting approaches that emphasize short-term gains over meaningful, improved outcomes. Here’s a common example: Almost every hospital has adjusted its discharge […]