How important is it to agree on principles and best practices for population health? More important than most providers believe, and here’s why: Population health can be a powerful engine for improving patient outcomes and cost performance in Value-Based Health Care. Failure to create a standard of population health practices means that every ACO or […]
Consumers Want More Value from Value-Based Health Care: Why Providers Need to Listen
The dramatic rise in personal costs for health care services and coverage, sharpened by political battles over affordable care, is driving consumer health care activism to a new level. Voter projections indicate that health care will be the largest single voting issue in the 2018 mid-terms, with 30 percent of voters saying their decisions will […]
Wise Patients Really Can Make Medical Decisions
“The numbers in this blog are hard to believe. Why is the medical profession recommending shingles vaccine? It is one thing to say that patients should be their own advocates. But why would medical professionals recommend a vaccine to their patient that has such a paltry risk/benefit outcome? After all, we go to doctors because […]
Why ACOs Must Build Trust with Providers and Patients to Meet Goals
As ACOs develop approaches to Value-Based Health Care, they are struggling with a key issue: lack of trust. How can providers commit to collective cost reductions that could have potentially negative revenue consequences for themselves individually or on their practices? If they don’t believe that the other players or their ACO are operating in the […]
Five Strategies for Specialists: How to Safely Navigate ACO Arrangements
Amidst the furor over health care access and affordability, most consumers believe that the exceptional quality of America’s health care is due to specialty medicine. But Value-Based Health Care may well dramatically change specialty practice by putting specialists under financial risk arrangements. That’s because the most prestigious and flourishing providers in health care are also […]
ACOs Under Risk: Select Specialists Based on Collaborative Audit Process
ACOs have tiptoed into developing a physician network based on value. Building a full lineup of primary and specialty physicians to serve their patient population presents a daunting challenge. Even more relevant, until downside financial risk arrangements become mandatory, ACOs have been able to keep their physician networks inclusive; managing cost of care has been […]
The ACO Challenge: Your Essential Reading List to Prepare for Risk
The concept behind Accountable Care Organizations remains reasonable: Groups of health care providers take responsibility for total cost and quality of care for the patients and receive, in return, a portion of any savings they achieve. But as CMS Administrator Seema Verma made clear in announcing the Proposed ACO Final Rule last month, “Medicare cannot […]
Ready or Not, Providers Will Face Risk Under ACOs or Medicare Advantage
In any other industry, companies work hard to interpret purchasing and regulatory trends, and adapt quickly in times of change. Swift action is a hallmark of competitive business; those that linger risk failure. Examples of business adaptation are everywhere: a move to digital applications that help consumers and other purchasers connect and build loyalty; acquisition […]
Time Out
It’s the last week of August, the run-up to Labor Day, and time to re-energize as we head into a period that promises even more intense health care reform. We at Roji Health Intelligence wish you a relaxing end of summer and a chance to recharge before we’re all back in the fall fray. For […]
Proposed ACO Final Rule: 10 Essential Takeaways from “Pathways to Success”
The Final Rule for the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Accountable Care Organization (ACO) has been released, the first real revision since the program’s inception. Introducing the proposed rule, CMS stated that it is time to put real ‘accountability’ in Accountable Care Organizations, and this means that ACOs need to accept financial risk. The theme […]