“It’s not how you start, but how you finish” might be the way some ACOs must navigate a difficult path to success. But for organizations planning a new ACO venture, that rocky path may be avoidable. The early days of ACO development are behind us, and ACO models to take on financial risk are now […]
Unify ACO Quality and Cost Initiatives to Boost Long-term Results
Let’s face it. There’s a pretty low bar to meeting Medicare’s ACO Quality requirements. Most ACOs have achieved acceptable quality performance for Medicare Shared Savings Plans (MSSPs). They have not, however, achieved the savings needed to be successful. ACO supporters point to the “Triple Aim” of achieving higher quality, cost savings and good patient experience […]
ACOs Must Create Learning Environment for Physicians to Be Partners in Change
The idea behind ACOs sounds simple enough: Build a network of primary care physicians, specialists, hospitals and other health care organizations that share risk and responsibility to provide coordinated care for each patient. Medicare or private insurers offer financial incentives to ensure that ACOs provide quality treatment while limiting unnecessary spending. Primary care physicians serve […]
ACO Economics 101: Optimize the Physician Network For Patient Choice
The inaugural MIPS 2017 submission period closed in a fog of uncertainty. The demise of MIPS looms on the horizon, with little discussion of opportunities for improvement. Heath and Human Services Secretary Azar has advocated for removing the quality reporting component of MIPS, while the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee (MedPAC) recommended scrapping MIPS altogether and pushed […]
Five Ways Medicare’s Patient Data-Sharing Will Rock Health Care
Medicare came closer to fulfilling its promise of patient data-sharing last week with the announcement of bundled initiatives to connect health care consumers with their health care data. First, the Trump administration announced the launch of myHealthEData, a government-wide initiative designed to permit patients to control their healthcare data and determine how it can be […]
Can Provider-Led ACOs and AAPMs Deliver Health Care Transformation?
“In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy,” said J. Paul Getty. He might have been giving us advice on how to transform health care. We have reached the tipping point for broader adoption of ACOs and other Advanced Alternative Payment Models (AAPMs) to organize health care and payment under both Medicare […]
Who Wins and Loses If CMS Kills MIPS?
Last month, the new Health and Human Services (HHS) Administrator, Alex Azar, tolled the death knell on MACRA MIPS quality reporting. Even as the MIPS program just began its second year, Azar reinforced what MedPAC (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission) has been suggesting since June 2017: trash MIPS quality reporting and speed up provider transition to […]
Five Lessons from Big Business on Value-Based Health Care
Last year we predicted that CMS would step back from the complex requirements of its Value-Based Health Care initiative, in favor of reducing provider burdens for quality reporting and reducing regulation, in general. While MACRA MIPS and the move toward financial risk still remain, we correctly anticipated that Medicare would focus its efforts on its […]
What Does #MeToo Have to Do With Value-Based Health Care?
Are we measuring the right things in Value-Based Health Care? That’s the question I am asking myself while reviewing recent efforts by CMS to create better measures of health care value, called Meaningful Measures. Given current, widespread reports of sexual abuse and my recent reading about the dismal state of elder health care, I can’t […]
BPCI Advanced Means Financial Risk Is Coming for Specialists
In case you missed Medicare’s messages about its reimbursement direction in recent years, CMS just reminded us that financial risk is well on its way. If you’re developing strategies that assume the status quo, it’s time to reassess your organization’s financial footing. CMS has already stated its intention to shift 50 percent of Medicare provider […]