In our last article, we assessed how AI could be used to achieve clinical success for individual conditions, and to apply the technology to broad cost reduction efforts and population health interventions. But here’s the real test: Can we effectively apply AI technology to help patients better engage in lifestyle risk reduction—particularly for specific conditions […]
How Physicians Can Navigate to Get Better Value from Specialty Services
In recent articles, we’ve discussed how Value-Based Health Care must help consumers make good decisions. Equally as important, CMS is now emphasizing how physicians should serve as navigators for their patients, providing information and guidance. Let’s take a closer look at how the triad of primary care physician, specialist consultant, and patient can effectively engage […]
There’s More to be Learned from Good Results than Bad—and Why It Matters
Becoming a physician requires passing many tests, beginning with premed studies, all the way through residency and, ultimately, board certification. You spend countless hours focused on passing examinations or rotations and learning to avoid pitfalls. As a residency program director, I and my colleagues invested considerable effort to determine which residents were struggling and to […]
ACOs Must Create Learning Environment for Physicians to Be Partners in Change
The idea behind ACOs sounds simple enough: Build a network of primary care physicians, specialists, hospitals and other health care organizations that share risk and responsibility to provide coordinated care for each patient. Medicare or private insurers offer financial incentives to ensure that ACOs provide quality treatment while limiting unnecessary spending. Primary care physicians serve […]
Don’t Just Check the Box: Capture the Patient’s Story to Define Meaningful Goals of Care
What does Shared Decision-Making between doctor and patient really look like? I spent four decades as a primary care physician, as well as 27 years teaching medical students and residents. Looking back on my treatment of patients, I now question whether my management was driven by what the patient wanted—or by what I wanted for […]
Time Out! How Strategic Pauses Can Enhance Medical Decision-Making to Improve Outcomes
Health care providers are under increasing pressure to improve outcomes for patients with chronic conditions. There is pressure to meet quality measures, to establish programs that improve outcomes, to decrease costs for these conditions (utilization as an outcome)—or a combination of goals. At issue: what works, what is affordable, what is acceptable to patients and […]
Primary Care Physicians’ Ethical Dilemma: Meet Goals for Patients or Practice Owners?
Primary care physicians are on a collision course with health care consumers—their patients. While trying to deliver best clinical care, they must navigate a competitive business environment that encourages higher spending. The business of health care has undergone rapid consolidation in physician practice ownership. Spurred by the need to compete for patients, use EMR technology […]