The staggering reality that health care could soon account for one fifth of all domestic spending has put a bull’s eye on health care cost control. Is your ACO, health system, or physician organization ready to manage the coming congressional budget cuts? The only effective way to tackle Total Costs of Patient Care (TCoC) without […]
Value-Based Care 2025: Providers Must Win the War on Costs
Health systems and ACOs: Prepare yourself for the return to cost containment as the central objective of Value-Based Care in 2025. While cost measures have always been part of CMS Value-Based Care quality programs, their impact was small relative to the total MIPS score for physician groups. Likewise, ACO savings look big in dollars but […]
5 Tips for a Win-Win Collaboration Between ACOs and Specialists
As Value-Based Care expands, payers are emphasizing cost reduction all the more. Newer CMS payment models like ACO REACH reinforce cost control by capping reimbursement in total global payments to ACOs. In turn, global payments enable ACOs to directly negotiate rates with preferred provider specialists. In addition to focusing on controlling costs delivered through primary […]
Three Data-Driven Approaches to Engage Specialists in ACOs
All ACOs, regardless of payment model, are built on a vision of primary care services to patients. Medicare attributes patients to your ACO based on the plurality of primary care services. CMS attributes a patient to a participating specialist only if the patient has not seen a primary care physician in the ACO or at […]
5 Key Health Care Trends to Watch for in 2023
After an intense few years in health care, will 2023 deliver more punches? While 2022 was dubbed a COVID “recovery” year, as patient volume rebounded, health care staffing shortages festered. Burnout prompted physicians to retire, sell practices to corporate owners, or leave traditional health care for other employment. Simply put, 2022 was short on recovery […]
Launch Time! Five Intervention Strategies to Fuel Your APM Liftoff
If you’ve followed the Smart Guide articles so far, your APM is ready for take-off. You’ve developed a data-sufficient technology infrastructure with both provider and claims data, carefully constructed your clinical network and engaged your clinicians, and implemented strategies for payers and consumers. Your APM may be operating already, with data ready to use. Now […]
3 Ways to Engage Physicians to Lead Transformation in Your APM
Doctors leaving medicine spells trouble for health care. And there’s real reason for concern. A few weeks ago, the Mayo Clinic released its most recent study on physician burnout, revealing the highest rate in the survey’s 10-year history. Sixty-three percent of responding physicians reported one or more characteristics of burnout, with many noting depersonalization, an […]
5 Imperatives for Your Value-Based Technology to Support APMs
After years spent transforming your health care technology, you may feel like you’re almost done. But Value-Based Care Technology requires a different mindset. With reimbursement scaling to a tipping point for APM adoption, think “reboot” instead. Your health system or group has a long way to go if your aggregated and integrated data cannot support […]
New ACO Playbook: How to Supercharge Your ACO
Throughout the last decade of ACO development, many have struggled to identify what actually makes ACOs successful. Analyses have been fraught with conflicting conclusions. Studies have tagged type of ownership (hospital-based vs. physician-led), geographic region or urban-rural factors, primary-care-only versus specialty participation, ACO payment model type, patient volume, and operations strategies as links to success […]
New ACO Playbook: Seven Keys to Expanding ACO Savings—and Market Share
At the beginning of this series, we laid out a basic tenet: As shared savings plan ACOs, you need to do as well or better at lowering costs than competing value-based payment models. Otherwise, your resources and support will dwindle in favor of more promising avenues to control Medicare spending, and competition will stifle your […]